Tuesday, December 24, 2019
This Essay Will Explore To What Extant Does The Empirical
This essay will explore to what extant does the empirical research can help us understand the aspect of obedience in human behavior. Many scientists and psychologists are interested in what triggers certain actions and emotions in humans. And so, different methods and techniques were used to help them identify and understand these behaviors. Methods such as, observation, lab experiments, case study and other. These methods helped them understand human nature and both negative and positive sides of it, to create and maintain healthy relationships with others within a society and identify different possible mental illnesses. Obedience is one of the behaviors that was studied by many researchers. And it is the compliance to an authority or†¦show more content†¦Keeping in mind that both the learner and the teacher were separated by a wall where they can here each other but not see each other. The learner was purposely giving the wrong answer, and with each answer the teacher gav e him a shock. Moreover, after a few shocks with the learner being in pain asking the teacher to stop, the last one refused to continue. However, they were told off by the experimenter, that they cannot stop and must carry on. The outcome of the experiment was a high number almost 65% of the participants reached up to 450 volts of electric shocks. However, all participants reached to 300 volt. Furthermore, it is concluded that people tend to obey the order of an authority figure even if it go against their conscience, in this case the experimenter in the lab coat, despite it could potentially involves the harm of others. Additionally, Orne Holland (1968), believed that since these studies were conducted under a laboratory conditions (controlled environment), they lack the experimental validity. Thus it is considered unrealistic situation, where it does not resemble a real life situation. Other points were made, first, that this experiment does not include females. Which raises the question of whether these findings apply to females as well as the male participants or not? Second, these participantsShow MoreRelatedInternationalization Theory and Its Impact on the Field of International Business7496 Words  | 30 Pagesstrategic-management sphere has unfortunately not taken on board internalization-theory thinking and lacks the insights provided by this comparative institutional approach. In this chapter we show hoe well-known international strategic management models could be enriched and their normative implications altered by adopting an internalizing-theory lens. Introduction In this chapter we examine several international strategic management models revisited through an internalization theory lens. 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