Tuesday, December 24, 2019
This Essay Will Explore To What Extant Does The Empirical
This essay will explore to what extant does the empirical research can help us understand the aspect of obedience in human behavior. Many scientists and psychologists are interested in what triggers certain actions and emotions in humans. And so, different methods and techniques were used to help them identify and understand these behaviors. Methods such as, observation, lab experiments, case study and other. These methods helped them understand human nature and both negative and positive sides of it, to create and maintain healthy relationships with others within a society and identify different possible mental illnesses. Obedience is one of the behaviors that was studied by many researchers. And it is the compliance to an authority or†¦show more content†¦Keeping in mind that both the learner and the teacher were separated by a wall where they can here each other but not see each other. The learner was purposely giving the wrong answer, and with each answer the teacher gav e him a shock. Moreover, after a few shocks with the learner being in pain asking the teacher to stop, the last one refused to continue. However, they were told off by the experimenter, that they cannot stop and must carry on. The outcome of the experiment was a high number almost 65% of the participants reached up to 450 volts of electric shocks. However, all participants reached to 300 volt. Furthermore, it is concluded that people tend to obey the order of an authority figure even if it go against their conscience, in this case the experimenter in the lab coat, despite it could potentially involves the harm of others. Additionally, Orne Holland (1968), believed that since these studies were conducted under a laboratory conditions (controlled environment), they lack the experimental validity. Thus it is considered unrealistic situation, where it does not resemble a real life situation. Other points were made, first, that this experiment does not include females. Which raises the question of whether these findings apply to females as well as the male participants or not? Second, these participantsShow MoreRelatedInternationalization Theory and Its Impact on the Field of International Business7496 Words  | 30 Pagesstrategic-management sphere has unfortunately not taken on board internalization-theory thinking and lacks the insights provided by this comparative institutional approach. In this chapter we show hoe well-known international strategic management models could be enriched and their normative implications altered by adopting an internalizing-theory lens. Introduction In this chapter we examine several international strategic management models revisited through an internalization theory lens. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
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Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Therapeutic Relationship-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the therapeutic relationship and psychological trauma or PTSD. Answer: Introduction The stress which results from the stressful situations precipitates the spectrum of the psycho-emotional as well as the physiological outcomes (Briere Scott, 2014). The post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is the psychiatric condition which results from the experience or witnessing of the stressful or maybe the life-threatening events. PSTD has a unique psychobiological aspect which correlates and impair a person everyday life and could be life-threatening situations. The PSTD has an extreme psychobiological correlates that might damage an individual daily life threatening (Cohen, Mannarino Deblinger, 2016). In light to the present events, a sharp rise continues to be exhibited to the patients that have the PTSD diagnosis which is predicted within the next decade (Briere Scott, 2014). PTSD is a significant public health issue which compels looking to get the novel paradigms along with the theoretical models to be able to intensify the understanding of the condition and at the sam e time develops new and improved modes when it comes to the treatment intervention. The trauma events usually are profoundly stressful. The stress which results from the traumatic events generally precipitates a spectrum of the psycho-emotional along with the physiological outcomes. In its gravest form, this response has been diagnosed as the psychiatric problem that is consequential to the experience of the traumatic events (Douglas, Woolfe, Strawbridge , Kasket Galbraith, 2016). The facet of the post traumatic stress disorder could result from the experience or simply witnessing the traumatic or life threatening events such as the terrorist attack, violence crime or abuse, combat in the army, natural disasters or maybe the violent individual assaults. The exposure to the environmental toxins might result to the immune systems akins to the PTSD in numerous vulnerable individuals. The subjects who have PTSD more often could relieve the experience through nightmare as well as the flashbacks (Cohen, Mannarino Deblinger, 2016). They report difficulty when it comes to sleeping. On the aspect of the behavior they usually becomes significantly detached or even estranged and they are more frequently aggravated by the relevant disorders for instance they might exhibit depression , abuse of substance as well as difficulties associated with the memory and cognition (Cowie Pecherek, 2017). This disorder could possibly lead to the impairment of ability to function especially in the social or the family life which more regularly could lead to the occupational uncertainty, divorces due to marital issues, discord of the family and even issues in parenting. This condition could be very extreme and can easily lead to the impairment of a person daily life and in some cases it could lead to the suicidal tendencies of the patient. PTSD is generally marked by clear biological ch anges, additional to the psychological symptoms and it could be complicated in various other issues both of which could be physical and the mental health (Cowie Pecherek, 2017). In this essay it would explore various issues such as opportunities and the challenges in the therapeutic relationship of client with the childhood psychological trauma when they are engaged to various aspects such as humanistic, CBT and psychodynamic therapy. Opportunities and challenges in the therapeutic relationship of a client with a childhood PTSD Humanistic Approach The method uses a wide range of approaches with regards to conceptualization, therapeutic goals and the intervention strategies in the aspect of PTSD. It emphasis the comprehension of human experience and a focus to the clients as opposed to the symptoms (Craig Sprang, 2010). This is opportunity since the therapist become familiar with the client experiences and this is done through interacting and getting to know them better (Briere Scott, 2014). The psychological issues are viewed as a result of the inhibited capability to enable the patient to make authentic, meaningful and self-directed choice on how they live. Thus, the interventions are aimed at increasingly the client self-awareness and the self understanding (Briere Scott, 2014). The key aspect with regards to the humanistic approach is on acceptance and growth. These are the major themes of existential therapy that are; client responsibility and the freedom. When it comes to the PTSD the humanistic approach might help the clients to free themselves from disabling assumptions and the attitudes which enable them to live fuller lives. The therapists generally emphasize on the growth and the self-actualization rather than curing their disorder or perhaps alleviating it (McLean, Su, Carpenter Foa, 2017). This perspective targets offers conscious processes rather than the unconscious processes along with the past causes. The advantage associated to this approach is that the therapeutic relationship serves as the vehicles or the context wherein there is fostering of the psychological growth. The therapist tries to create a therapeutic relationship that is warm especially to the clients with a childhood PTSD which is warm and accepting along with trust which the clients inner drive would be to actualize in the healthy direction (Cowie Pecherek , 2017 ) . This theory approach is significant to all the stages of client recovery process, since it creates a foundation of respect to the client and the mutual a cceptance of the importance of their experiences. Some of the key component of this approach includes the Abraham Maslow, who had popularized on the concept of the self-actualization and Carl Rogers who had formulated the person-centered therapy which is more focused on the wholeness of the individual experience at any particular moment (Craig Sprang, 2010). These components prove some useful especially at the treatment of clients who had suffered PTSD at their childhood. The emphasizes is the choice to seek help which is regarded as a sign of courage that could occur immediately, and placing the responsibility and the wisdom with the client that they could follow. Challenges of humanistic therapy approach As much as there are opportunities associated in the therapeutic relationship of client with the childhood psychological trauma who have engaged in the humanistic approach there are challenges associated to it. These are as follows; Identifying the real issues which are impacting the client: The humanistic approach to therapeutic relationship include the concept that the decision of the therapist should be made after consultation with the client (Cohen, Mannarino Deblinger, 2016). The challenge may arise in this concept. One challenge is that it may not be easy to always identify the real issues which are affecting the client and at the same time the client could give conflicting needs and priorities to the issues which are affecting them. Balancing on the conflicting issues of the client could be a challenging task in the humanistic approach. Cognitive behavioral therapy approach CBT is therapeutic intervention which involves strategies for example the use of the discussion or perhaps the imagery in order to revisit a traumatic event, stress management and relation techniques, as well as rethinking counterproductive trauma-related thoughts and association (Jarecki Greenwald, 2016). The significance of this technique combines very effective kind of psychotherapy which is cognitive therapy and the behavior therapy (Craig Sprang, 2010). The aspect of the behavior therapy is based on the learning theories, which would help the clients especially who have had PTSD in their childhood to weaken the connections between the troublesome thoughts and situations as well as their habitual reactions to them (Schnyder, Ehlers, Elbert, Foa, Gersons, Resick Cloitre, 2015). This is an opportunity on this therapy approach since the client would be able to weaken on some of those traumatic connections they had over the years. Another advantage of this therapy is on the cognitive therapy part, which teaches the clients how certain thinking patterns could be the major cause of their difficulties by providing them with the distorted pictures and making them to feel depressed, anxious or even angry (Jarecki Greenwald, 2016). When these two approaches have been combined into the CBT, behavior therapy as well as the cognitive therapy could offer powerful symptom alleviation and this could help the clients with childhood with PSTD to resume to their normal functioning. The cognitive method has been stumbled to be beneficial as an appropriate framework with regards to the trauma therapy given that the traumatic encounters usually impedes on the emotional process through contradictory with the pre-existing cognitive schemas (Gutermann, Schreiber, Matulis, Stangier, Rosner Steil, 2015). The cognitive dissonance that happens whenever thoughts, memories and images of trauma could not be reconciled with the current means structures, which may result in distress. The cognitive system is generally driven by the completion tendency to match up the new information with the most inner models which are based on the older information and the revision of both until they can agree (Knight, 2015). This method is thus effective when it comes to such particular aspects to the clients who have had experienced traumatic experiences especially in their childhood. The clients could reappraise the events and also rehearse on their cognitive schemas they had organized previously (Jarecki Greenwald, 2016). The typical reactions as well as the cognitive processes seen among the trauma survivors could be described utilizing the framework of the cognitive theory (De Silva, 2014). This therapy entails working with the client who has cognitions to change emotions, thoughts as well as the behaviors. Challenges of engaging with the client using Cognitive behavioral therapy There are some challenges in the therapeutic relationship with the client with childhood PTSD disorder especially when utilizing the CBT approach to engage with them some of these are as follows; One of the challenges is that the client could have the difficulty to identify emotions and the thoughts. This is usually a common aspect to the customers to experience emotion just before any specific conscious recognition to their earlier thoughts (Rapcencu, Gorter, Kennis, van Geuze, 2017). This might be challenging for the therapists to determine the actual thoughts that are activating the emotional reaction to the clients. To help them to identify on these thoughts, therapists need to use specific techniques for questioning in order to be able to isolate the thoughts (Harned, Wilks, Schmidt Coyle, 2018). Additionally, there is need for role playing a given situation and stopping the scenes at the crucial times when it comes to the sequence that could help the client to recall on their thinking. Another challenge is when the clients agree with the principles but they seem to alter on their thinking: In most of the cases the clients report that they can comprehends the concepts of cognitive therapy at the intellectual level, however generally they apparently apply that understanding in a manner which could promote real changes (Briere Scott, 2014). Reinforcing of the alterations sometimes might take some time and even preempting problems particularly in shifting from the head level to the gut feelings. These might be useful methods to prepare the client to stick with the techniques. It would be a matter of the repetition and practice for the clients while they are working through the change from the head through to the heart. An additional challenge is the fact the client bears the limited motivation to change. For the clients who are not attending counseling on their own, it is important for the therapist to establish motivating aspects to the clients especially those who have PTSD in their childhood in the initial stages of the therapy (Jongh, Resick, Zoellner, Minnen, Lee Monson Rauch, 2016). Sometimes, the client could be attending counseling in orde r to keep harmony in significant relationship or perhaps elicit help to get someone off their back. Psychodynamic therapy The therapy highlights that emotional conflicts are majorly due to the traumatic situations which are the focus to the treatment , particularly because they refers to the early experience of the client for example the childhood ( Cook, Spinazzola, Ford, Lanktree , Blaustein , Cloitre Mallah , 2017). The rationale of the psychodynamic psychotherapy is the client is retelling the traumatic event to an empathetic, calm, compassionate and even nonjudgmental therapist which would definitely result to the greater self-esteem and effective thinking strategies and improve on their capability to manage intense emotions a lot more successfully. These approaches provide an opportunity to the client to tell their traumatic experience to the therapist particularly on the traumatic experience they encountered previously in their childhood. Additionally, the approach is advantageous since the therapist helps the client to identify on their client life situations which could have triggered their tr aumatic memories as well as exacerbate the PTSD symptoms (Van, 2017). The major emphasizes is on the concept of denial, abreaction as well as catharsis. The key theoretical aspect to this approach is that of counter-transference describes the totality of the unconscious reactions of the therapist to client in addition to the clients transference in the therapy. The feeling usually shift from the client to the therapist and their powerful feeling that could discriminate well between their feeling towards the client which are directly related to the projection of the client. This response function in this theory in that it is the primary instrument to analyse the conflict of the client and the therapist own conflict (Machtinger, Cuca, Khanna, Rose Kimberg, 2015). The responses of this concept could differ from the physiological ones for example the heartbeat, agitation to the emotional elements for example the sadness and even strong feelings towards the client. Nevertheless, you can find difficulties with regards to the counter-transference difficulties that could arise in the trauma therapy. The client who shows the PTSD reactions f or instance, re-experiencing aspect of the childhood trauma as well as emotional numbing, they have experienced the conspiracy of the silence which surround the traumatic events. They are more silence whenever the trauma has occurred, as the environment in most of the cases tend to deny the occurrence as well as the intensity of the event. There are numerous counter-transference themes which could take place in the therapy of the clients who have been traumatized. There is need for the therapist to provide means to the client to be able to express themselves in relation to the traumatic experiences, in order to support the positive coping strategies (Cowie Pecherek, 2017). More often the traumatic experiences of the client could bring horror, grief or even mourning. The therapists could feel a sense of bond to client when they recognize a familiar aspect of the trauma story they could relate to them. Range could be the most difficult counter -transference reaction which one could deal with, since it could distract the therapist from the process of treatment and to hinder them rational. Challenges One of the challenges is that the survivors of the traumatic event could pose relational challenge to the therapist. The clients are more often mistrustful at the same time they want a trustworthy relationship thus there could occur a push-pull dynamic. The therapist therefore, could find themselves fascinated by and invested to the history abuse of the client. Conclusion There are numerous models which are utilized in the treatment of the PTSD disorder. These include the CBT, humanistic, and psychodynamic therapy. Thus so far, the CBT approach has shown the most success. The other treatments have obtained widely divergent evaluations particularly from the scientific along with the professional community. The psychodynamic therapy may be necessary adjunctive treatment to the clients that have had intense traumatic symptoms particularly in their childhood. In this research, it has explored various issues such as opportunities and the challenges in the therapeutic relationship of client with the childhood psychological trauma when they are engaged to various therapies such as humanistic, CBT and psychodynamic therapy. References Briere, J. N., Scott, C. (2014). Principles of trauma therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment (DSM-5 update). Sage Publications. Cohen, J. A., Mannarino, A. P., Deblinger, E. (2016). Treating trauma and traumatic grief in children and adolescents. Guilford Publications Cook, A., Spinazzola, J., Ford, J., Lanktree, C., Blaustein, M., Cloitre, M., ... Mallah, K. (2017). Complex trauma in children and adolescents. Psychiatric annals, 35(5), 390-398 Cowie, H., Pecherek, A. (2017). Counselling: approaches and issues in education. Routledge. Craig, C. D., Sprang, G. (2010). Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and burnout in a national sample of trauma treatment therapists. Anxiety, Stress, Coping, 23(3), 319- 339. De Silva, P. (2014). An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology and Counselling: Pathways of Mindfulness-Based Therapies. Springer. Douglas, B., Woolfe, R., Strawbridge, S., Kasket, E., Galbraith, V. (Eds.). (2016). The handbook of counselling psychology. SAGE. Gutermann, J., Schreiber, F., Matulis, S., Stangier, U., Rosner, R., Steil, R. (2015). Therapeutic adherence and competence scales for Developmentally Adapted Cognitive Processing Therapy for adolescents with PTSD. European journal of psychotraumatology, 6(1), 26632. Harned, M. S., Wilks, C. R., Schmidt, S. C., Coyle, T. N. (2018). Improving functional outcomes in women with borderline personality disorder and PTSD by changing PTSD severity and post-traumatic cognitions. Behaviour research and therapy. Jarecki, K., Greenwald, R. (2016). Progressive counting with therapy clients with post?traumatic stress disorder: Three cases. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, Jongh, A., Resick, P. A., Zoellner, L. A., Minnen, A., Lee, C. W., Monson, C. M., ... Rauch, S. A. (2016). Critical analysis of the current treatment guidelines for complex PTSD in adults. Depression and Anxiety, 33(5), 359-369. Knight, C. (2015). Trauma-informed social work practice: Practice considerations and challenges. Clinical Social Work Journal, 43(1), 25-37. Machtinger, E. L., Cuca, Y. P., Khanna, N., Rose, C. D., Kimberg, L. S. (2015). From treatment to healing: the promise of trauma-informed primary care. Women's Health Issues, 25(3), 193-197. McLean, C. P., Su, Y. J., Carpenter, J. K., Foa, E. B. (2017). Changes in PTSD and depression during prolonged exposure and client-centered therapy for PTSD in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child Adolescent Psychology, 46(4), 500-510. Rapcencu, A. E., Gorter, R., Kennis, M., van Rooij, S. J., Geuze, E. (2017). Pre-treatment cortisol awakening response predicts symptom reduction in posttraumatic stress disorder after treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 82, 1-8. Rosenbaum, S., Vancampfort, D., Steel, Z., Newby, J., Ward, P. B., Stubbs, B. (2015). Physical activity in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry research, 230(2), 130-136. Schnyder, U., Ehlers, A., Elbert, T., Foa, E. B., Gersons, B. P., Resick, P. A., ... Cloitre, M.(2015). Psychotherapies for PTSD: what do they have in common?. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 6(1), 28186. Van der Kolk, B. A. (2017). Developmental Trauma Disorder: Toward a rational diagnosis for children with complex trauma histories. Psychiatric annals, 35(5), 401-408.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Why to Go to College
Introduction Education is one of the most important aspects on human life. Nowadays, educated people are highly valued and the level of education is to be really high. The innovative technologies and the necessity to deal with highly complicated equipment, international partners, etc. make people strive for better education. It is essential to study at college, to get necessary knowledge and to develop them being aware of the latest news.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Why to Go to College specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Education is the issue which opens new ways before people as getting knowledge people become aware of the information which is considered to be the main source of personal development. At the same time education is important for those who are interested in searching for the new information. There are a lot of different ways how education may be used. The emergence of the Internet and t he availability of much information put under question the very necessity of colleges. It is essential to make sure that colleges are necessary, otherwise, more attention should be paid to the processes which allow students study individually using the Internet and other resources. Dwelling about this issue, it is important to turn to the ideas which consider the opportunities people have. First of all, the Internet gives much data which may be read just for widening personal scope. Second, the Internet offers different tests and other tasks aimed at practicing received knowledge. Finally, the Internet contains a lot of teachers who are ready to correct student’s knowledge and to point them to their mistakes. Therefore, it seems that colleges are not necessary. Still, a college systemizes students’ knowledge making them study necessary information (which is to be remembered) and teaching them search for information in case they need something. It is impossible to know everything and colleges are necessary to filter the information which is to be remembered for sure and another one which is to be known and in case of necessity easily found. Opportunities for Advancement and Success through the Internet The Internet has offered too many opportunities for people. First of all, people can read books, journals, the results of research and other important sources online. Second, the Internet allows students to get the curriculum and study in accordance with the college programs that give them all the necessary knowledge, structured and systemized. Third, there are much cheaper organizations online which are able to check students’ mistakes and to point to the fields where more search is to be conducted.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Finally, the Internet makes it possible to study without going to college as video lessons direct student s at practicing their theoretical knowledge. Considering each of the opportunities mentioned above, we are going to dwell upon the advancement of the Internet in the spheres considered here contrary to their harm. There are a lot of sources online which allow students study. Searching for the necessary information online, students can get good education without college. Books are offered either for delivery or with the opportunity of online reading. There are a lot of databases which offer various journals, etc. All this data may be the first step on the way to students’ success as the more people read the more they become educated. Having a good choice, students should understand that they are to sort the data they are reading. Many online sources are irrelevant. This factor must be considered while research. Students should understand that the Internet offers students many irrelevant sources which may harm their knowledge and spoil true understanding of the things. Studying online, a student is unable to differentiate between the relevant information and irrelevant one. The Internet can systemize students’ knowledge as there are many programs and curriculum online. Using this data appropriately, students have an opportunity to structure their learning process and to study the information they need. Such studying allows students learn the information they consider appropriate and at the same time do not pay for college education. However, curriculum and structured information presented in colleges is not the only distinguishing feature of college. It is impossible to refuse the fact of good Internet support and sometimes even absence of the necessity to go to college, still students should keep in mind that books and other sources of information are not the only activities used in colleges. Students should remember that applying listening and writing is important. Of course, the Internet offers many tasks and activities aimed at assisting studen ts in their education.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Why to Go to College specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Third, online teachers can help students and check their written assignment, correct mistakes and make sure that students’ education is in a correct direction. It is very important for many people to know that their studying is correct. Such an opportunity makes people closer to their dream to become educated people without attending colleges. The Internet offers all the necessary options, not just books and other sources. Therefore, this innovation makes it possible to learn something new individually. Finally, video and audio lessons are available online. Most of them are free, others should be paid, however, it is important to make sure that all the necessary data may be not only read online, but also practical lessons may be taken. Video classes are like teachers’ lections when students listen to the information and follow the actions. Such video lessons are really useful. On the one hand, students can have an experience of practical application of their knowledge, on the other hand, watching videos is the change of activity which is really important for education process. Therefore, it may be concluded that the Internet offers a lot of opportunities according to which students may get good education and reach success. It is essential to make sure that while studying individually by means of the Internet students have correctly structure their education and consider only reliable source. It is also essential to know that to achieve success people are to work hard and individual studying with the help of the Internet is a more complicated job as one has to organize not only the learning process, but also him/herself to make sure that he/she works effective. The Necessity of College Education Even though the Internet is useful in education, it must be a part of student college studying. Having considered all the advantages of the Internet education and how it leads people to success without college, it is possible to make some specific rejections. First of all, studying online sources, students have to differentiate between differentiate between relevant information and irrelevant one.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is very difficult to do it personally, as students’ knowledge are not enough for it. College professors have already studies most of the popular sources, therefore it would be easier for them to find faults wit students’ sources and recommend appropriate ones. When students search curriculums online, they do not pay attention that some of the may be a part of another curriculum, or before that program another one may should be taken. College studying is a system which has been working for years. Successful education online is impossible without strict directions. Studying in accordance with one curriculum students may lose something important as the Internet cannot guarantee that students usually follow one and the same program, they may shift from one curriculum to losing important information. Of course, students may gain success studying with teachers online, however, such lessons are irregular. Moreover, such teachers in most cases have one degree and their know ledge is limited. College has a lot of PhD teachers who have degrees in different spheres, therefore, going to college students have an opportunity to deal with many various professions and try to consume their knowledge in various spheres. It is also possible to reject audio and video advantages of online education. Of course, such courses are useful, however, they cannot be used as the basic lessons for studying. Students do not have an opportunity to ask questions, students do not have a chance to specify something if the do not understand it. Online education may be just a part of college studying. Students may have to use the Internet as a part of their college education. It is impossible to reject the importance of college education, however, it is also impossible to say that the Internet studying may lead people to success without structured systemized college curriculum. One more proof that college education is necessary is statistics. According to the Bureau of Labor Statis tics, 2011, the rate of employment depends on the level of education. The table below shows that the higher rates of education people have the more salaries they get and the less rate of unemployment among this category of people. Unemployment rate in 2010 Level of education completed Mean (average) earnings in 2010 14.9% Less than a high school diploma $28,184 10.3% High school graduate, no college $39,988 9.2% Some college, no degree $46,228 7.0% Occupational program (career school) $46,332 7.0% Associate degree (academic program) $49,764 5.4% Bachelor’s degree $72,020 4.0% Master’s degree $82,576 1.9% Doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D.) $103,844 2.4% Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D.) $124,176 Table 1: Salary and unemployment rates, people aged 25 years and older with different levels of education (â€Å"Current Population Survey†). Therefore, college education is important, if to consider the issue from the statistical point of view. Th ere are also other reasons why colleges are important and why they should be attended. Holly Epstein Ojalvo states five central reasons in favor of going to colleges, these are â€Å"learning in a rigorous, supported educational environment†, â€Å"socializing and developing a network of friends and contacts†, â€Å"status†, â€Å"self-discovery†, and â€Å"attaining a marketable degree and developing earning potential†(Ojalvo). â€Å"Learning in a rigorous, supported educational environment†(Ojalvo) does not only mean to study books, write papers, and do practical assignments. Attending college students learn to work in a group of different people, to cope with directions and instructions, to meet deadlines, to remember great scope of information and to study how to search for necessary information. College is unable to give students all the knowledge they need, however, colleges are responsible for giving students the instructions about what they are to do in order to complete their work. Moreover, studying in college, students are surrounded by a special environment which gives them the power to study more. Different discussions and disputes during lessons make students know more or become interested in other spheres. College studying helps students consider one particular problem from different angles as studying in supportive educational environment helps students enlarge their scope of knowledge faster at the expense of communication with other students. â€Å"Socializing and developing a network of friends and contacts†(Ojalvo) is anther reason to go to college. Studying at colleges, students usually write various scientific and research papers. Those students who work hard may have some progress in such writing and their works may be interesting to others. It is essential to pay attention to the specific contacts and acquaintances such interest may bring. Depending on the college and its contracts, st udents may be offered a good position after graduating from a college. Moreover, many students start working long before their graduation in the spheres whether their knowledge are enough and with the opportunity for career development after graduation from college. Many students create specific contacts and connections for future professional development being at college. Speaking about socialization, people as social being need communication, live contact communication. The Internet offers great many opportunities, however, live speaking with other people eye to eye is something different than even video communication. â€Å"Status†(Ojalvo) is another reason why students should go to colleges. Moderns system of employment is based on the consideration that good employees are those ones who managed to get a degree. No matter where a person goes for a work, the first question he/she is asked is about degree. A status of college graduator is important as this is the first ste p on the way to higher degree, on the way to a better potion, etc. Those who believe that college is an unimportant stage and they are able to study all the necessary information themselves do not understand that college gives people status they are unable to buy online. Moreover, a college brand may play an important role in the future of a student. â€Å"Self-discovery†(Ojalvo) is an important argument in favor of going to college. Being in high school many students are not sure what way to choose. Going to college, students will have an opportunity to try several courses they will be given a try to study something, to get an incredible experience and to understand what he/she wants in reality. Many people are sure that there is no need to graduate from a college if one understands that this is not what they really need, however, each one has to make a try. Self-discovery is a very complicated and lengthy process as to understand what people are for themselves they are to try something. College is one of the variants. â€Å"Attaining a marketable degree and developing earning potential†(Ojalvo) is one more reason in favor of attending a college. It is not a secret that college is the first step on the way to career development. Sometimes, a college brand means much for people as having attended a specific college, students usually create a particular opinion about them. Many employers select candidates for a position on the basis of a college students have graduated from. In this case a candidate with the better college degree is sure to get a more paid job. Of course, professional skills are checked, however, this is usually provided after the decisions to accept a person. College degree plays an important role in this case. There are also a lot of other reasons why students should go to college in contrast to the individual Internet education. Some of these reasons are universal like, college education makes the life of the people different (Payne 20) and it is impossible to reject this fact. Other reasons are purely individual as some people may think that going to college they will make their dream come true (Shi). Nevertheless, the reasons are in favor of going to college. All the enumerated reasons for going to college do not guarantee people careless future with a great position as there are a lot of people who have similar skills and who also want to get a good job, however, modern society still lives in accordance with the specific norms and rules where college education is valued. It is impossible to attend a college and get a good paid job without an attempt, however, college education is a good start. Students with a degree can faster get a good job, however, they may also appear at risk of unemployment and discharge. College education is like a chance and it depends from students whether they use it or not. Contradicting Opinion Dwelling against colleges, Daley speaks about the reasons why many entrepreneur s suffer from bankruptcy. One and the main reason is the absence of knowledge. Being at college, students failed to read all the necessary books as well as they failed to consume some important information. Daley is sure that colleges are no necessary as they give too much useless information and take students’ time form nothing important. NaBeela Washington also supports the idea of college useless as going to college students waste their time on subjects which are not necessary. Practical skills are more important than theory, therefore, working and getting practical skills in the profession students want to deal with and studying necessary information on the Internet, students have an opportunity to gain success. Colleges are the remnants of the past. Nowadays, college education is too expensive and in many cases is not better than the Internet one. Moreover, today it is difficult to cover the expenses spent on college education too fast, therefore, those who go to college do not get expected reward, they just have to work more not because they want to be successful in the future, but because they live under pressure of debt. Erika Andersen still tries to convince people that to achieve success they do not necessarily go to college which requires too much time but teaches useless information. Therefore, studying with the help of the Internet, people may get more useful information. So, college is more about status nowadays not about quality education. The Internet has offered many opportunities for people, and education is one of them. There are a lot of people who can easily organize themselves and their studying. The information learnt purposefully and individually may be more valued than the data considered with professions in college as there students study different subjects most of which are not going to be useful to them in the future. Conclusion To sum it up, it should be stated that there are two claims in relation to college education. Some people are sure that college is a starting point each person should come though, others believe that attending colleges they just waste their time. Having conducted a research, it is possible to say that both points of view deserve attention, however, college education must be. There is no need to study in college up to the end, however students are to start their education to understand whether their choice to study individually with the help of the Internet is a good idea. There are a lot of different reasons in favor of attending a college. Students get necessary knowledge there, filtered, structured and systemized. Going to college students do not only study books, they also consider the information which is really important for them such as the possibility to search for the necessary information as it is impossible to know everything. Important contacts and friendship may be got at college. Moreover, those who have good grades and who managed to express themselves have an oppo rtunity to get a good job right after graduation. Even though there are a lot of educated people who do not have a degree, when applying to job people with degrees have more chances to get a position than those who do not have degrees. It does not mean that people without college degree know less, but their status is lower than the status of college graduators. Works Cited Andersen, Erika. â€Å"Do You Really Need To Go To College?†Forbes, 2012. Web. â€Å"Current Population Survey.†Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011. Web. Daley, Jason. â€Å"Is an MBA Still Necessary?†Entrepreneurs, 2012. Web. Ojalvo, Holly Epstein. â€Å"Why Go to College at All?†The New York Times, 2012. Web. Payne, Tara. â€Å"Despite the headlines, college is still necessary.†New Hampshire Business Review, 34.10 (2012): 18-25. Print. Shi, Kelvin. â€Å"Is College Still Necessary?†Kelvin’s PLA Blog, 2012. Web. Washington, NaBeela. â€Å"Is college still necessary for a successful career?†Kaleidoscope/Opinion, 2012. Web. This research paper on Why to Go to College was written and submitted by user Deon Perez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Types of Formatting for Academic Papers
Types of Formatting for Academic Papers Types of Formatting for Academic Papers Teachers commonly require academic papers to assess a student’s comprehension of a topic. Academic assessments often come in the form of research papers, which are defined as a person’s thoughts or perception of a topic based on thorough analysis. When writing an academic paper, be mindful of the following things. Common Types of Academic Papers Definition Papers Definition papers describe an idea from a factual perspective. These papers do not contain opinion or emotion. Although you may gather facts from different sources, the information is simply stated and supported. However, a definition paper can provide a good framework for persuasive, argumentative, or analytical papers. Argumentative Papers Argumentative papers present two sides of a scenario in one paper. Most good argumentative papers include in-text citations from different researchers and logical facts in support of both sides of the argument. Ultimately, these facts should conclude and culminate your analysis with the pros and cons of each side. The challenge in writing an argumentative paper is that while you are advocating for one side over the other, the way in which you present both arguments must remain neutral and factual. Persuasive Papers Persuasive papers choose a stance and provide logical arguments to defend that stance. Unlike argumentative papers, persuasive papers do not need to present ideas that support any opposing stance. It can also include more emotional and perspective-based opinions. Purpose of Academic Paper Formats When writing academic papers, the way you present your paper is crucial. Using the proper citing, referencing, and quoting of your sources allow for you to communicate your ideas in a manner that is shared by others in your field. Some of these formats include: Chicago Manual of Style The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) is predominantly used in humanities, particularly literature, history, or the arts. Modern Language Association Style The Modern Language Association Style (MLA) is also popular with students of humanities. Artists, linguists, and theatre students have been using MLA for over 500 years. American Psychological Association Style The American Psychological Association Style (APA) is a set of rules and guidelines established by the American Psychological Association. This format is popular among students and practitioners of psychology, sociology, social work, and medicine. When working on your research paper, remember to pay extra attention to the way you format your source materials. Use the handouts that your teachers give you, or any online reference materials to ensure that all formatting is accurate. For expert advice in formatting your research paper, is here to help.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Pompeii - Archaeology of the Famous Roman Tragedy
Pompeii - Archaeology of the Famous Roman Tragedy Pompeii is arguably the most famous archaeological site in the world. There has never been a site as well preserved, as evocative, or as memorable as that of Pompeii, the luxurious resort for the Roman Empire, which was buried along with its sister cities of Stabiae and Herculaneum under the ash and lava erupted from Mount Vesuvius during the fall of 79 AD. Pompeii is located in the area of Italy known, then as now, as Campania. The vicinity of Pompeii was first occupied during the Middle Neolithic, and by the 6th century BC, it came under the rule of the Etruscans. The citys origins and the original name are unknown, nor are we clear on the sequence of settlers there, but it seems clear that Etruscans, Greeks, Oscans, and Samnites competed to occupy the land prior to the Roman conquest. The Roman occupation began in the 4th century BC, and the town reached its heyday when the Romans turned it into a seaside resort, beginning 81 BC. Pompeii as a Thriving Community At the time of its destruction, Pompeii was a thriving commercial port at the mouth of the Sarno River in southwestern Italy, on the southern flank of Mount Vesuvius. Pompeiis known buildingsand there are many that were preserved under the mud and ashfallinclude a Roman basilica, built ca 130-120 BC, and an amphitheater built circa 80 BC. The forum contained several temples; the streets included hotels, food vendors and other eating places, a purpose-built lupanar, and other brothels, and gardens within the city walls. But probably of most fascination to us today are the look into private homes, and the eerie negative images of human bodies caught in the eruption: the utter humanness of the tragedy seen at Pompeii. Dating the Eruption and an Eyewitness Romans watched the spectacular eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, many from a safe distance, but one early naturalist named Pliny (the Elder) watched while he helped evacuate refugees on the Roman warships under his charge. Pliny was killed during the eruption, but his nephew (called Pliny the Younger), watching the eruption from Misenum about 30 kilometers (18 miles) away, survived and wrote about the events in letters that form the basis of our eye-witness knowledge about it. The traditional date of the eruption is August 24th, supposed to have been the date reported in Pliny the Youngers letters, but as early as 1797, the archaeologist Carlo Maria Rosini questioned the date on the basis of the remains of fall fruits he found preserved at the site, such as chestnuts, pomegranates, figs, raisins, and pine cones. A recent study of the distribution of the wind-blown ash at Pompeii (Rolandi and colleagues) also supports a fall date: the patterns shows that prevailing winds blew from a direction most prevalent in the fall. Further, a silver coin found with a victim in Pompeii was struck after September 8th, AD 79. If only Plinys manuscript had survived! Unfortunately, we only have copies. Its possible that a scribal error crept in regarding the date: compiling all the data together, Rolandi and colleagues (2008) propose a date of October 24th for the eruption of the volcano. Archaeology The excavations at Pompeii are an important watershed in the history of archaeology, as it was among the earliest of archaeological excavations, tunneled into by the Bourbon rulers of Naples and Palermo beginning in the fall of 1738. The Bourbons undertook full-scale excavations in 1748much to the belated distress of modern archaeologists who would have preferred they wait until better techniques were available. Of the many archaeologists associated with Pompeii and Herculaneum are pioneers of the field Karl Weber, Johann-Joachim Winckelmann, and Guiseppe Fiorelli; a team was sent to Pompeii by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who had a fascination with archaeology and was responsible for the Rosetta stone ending up in the British Museum. Modern research at the site and others affected by the 79 Vesuvian eruption was conducted by the Anglo-American Project in Pompeii, led by Rick Jones at the University of Bradford, with colleagues at Stanford and the University of Oxford. Several field schools were conducted at Pompeii between 1995 and 2006, mostly targeting the section known as Regio VI. Many more sections of the city remain unexcavated, left for future scholars with improved techniques. Pottery at Pompeii Pottery was always an important element of Roman society and it has figured in many of the modern studies of Pompeii. According to recent research (Peà ±a and McCallum 2009), thin-walled pottery tableware and lamps were manufactured elsewhere and brought into the city to sell. Amphorae were used to pack goods such as garum and wine and they too were brought in to Pompeii. That makes Pompeii somewhat anomalous among Roman cities, in that the largest portion of their pottery was produced outside its city walls. A ceramics works called the Via Lepanto was located just outside the walls on the Nuceria-Pompeii road. Grifa and colleagues (2013) report that the workshop was rebuilt after the AD 79 eruption, and continued to produce red-painted and burnished tablewares up until the Vesuvius eruption of 472. The red-slipped tableware called terra sigillata was found in numerous locations in and around Pompeii and using petrographic and elemental trace analysis of 1,089 sherds, McKenzie-Clark (2011) concluded that all but 23 were manufactured in Italy, accounting for 97% of the total investigated. Scarpelli et al. (2014) found that black slips on Vesuvian pottery were made of ferrous materials, consisting of one or more of magnetite, hercynite and/or hematite. Since the closure of the excavations at Pompeii in 2006, researchers have been busy publishing their results. Here are a few of the most recent ones, but there are many others: In Benefiels (2010) study of graffiti on the walls of the House of Maius Castricius is documented several pieces of incised romantic graffiti in different areas of the house. A conversation of 11 graffiti inscribed in a stairwell appears to be a literary and romantic conversation between two individuals. Most of the lines are original romantic poetry or plays on known texts, arranged vertically in two columns. Benefiel says the Latin lines hint at a kind of one-up-man-ship between two or more people.Piovesan and colleagues studied paints and pigments at Pompeiis Temple of Venus, identifying a range of mural colors made from the natural earth, minerals, and a few rare artificial pigmentsblack, yellow, red and brown ochre, cinnabar, Egyptian blue, green earth (mostly celadonite or glauconite) and white calcite.Cova (2015) reports on the alaearchitectural wingsin many houses in the section of Pompeii known as Regio VI, and how the size and shape of the alae may reflect socioeconomic cha nges in the Late Republic/Early Empire period. Miiello et al (2010) investigated construction phases in Regio VI by the variations of mortar. Astrid Lundgren at the University of Oslo published her dissertation on Pompeii in 2014, focusing on male sexuality and prostitution; Severy-Hoven is another scholar investigating the incredible wealth of erotica discovered at Pompeii.Murphy et al. (2013) looked at middens (garbage dumps) and was able to identify evidence that the waste is primarily kitchen food preparation of olives, grapes, figs, cereals, and pulses. However, they found little evidence for crop-processing, suggesting that the food was processed outside of the city before being brought to market. Sources This article is part of the About.com Dictionary of Archaeology: Ball LF, and Dobbins JJ. 2013. Pompeii Forum Project: Current Thinking on the Pompeii Forum. American Journal of Archaeology 117(3):461-492.Benefiel RR. 2010. Dialogues of Ancient Graffiti in the House of Maius Castricius in Pompeii. American Journal of Archaeology 114(1):59-101.Cova E. 2015. Stasis and Change in Roman Domestic Space: The Alae of Pompeiis Regio VI. American Journal of Archaeology 119(1):69-102.Grifa C, De Bonis A, Langella A, Mercurio M, Soricelli G, and Morra V. 2013. A Late Roman ceramic production from Pompeii. Journal of Archaeological Science 40(2):810-826.Lundgren AK. 2014. The Pastime of Venus: An archaeological investigation of male sexuality and protitution in Pompeii. Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo.McKenzie-Clark J. 2012. The supply of Campanian-made sigillata to the city of Pompeii. Archaeometry 54(5):796-820.Miriello D, Barca D, Bloise A, Ciarallo A, Crisci GM, De Rose T, Gattuso C, Gazineo F, and La Russa MF. 2010. Characterisation of archaeological mo rtars from Pompeii (Campania, Italy) and identification of construction phases by compositional data analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 37(9):2207-2223. Murphy C, Thompson G, and Fuller D. 2013. Roman food refuse: urban archaeobotany in Pompeii, Regio VI, Insula 1. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22(5):409-419.Peà ±a JT, and McCallum M. 2009. The Production and Distribution of Pottery at Pompeii: A Review of the Evidence; Part 2, The Material Basis for Production and Distribution. American Journal of Archaeology 113(2):165-201.Piovesan R, Siddall R, Mazzoli C, and Nodari L. 2011. The Temple of Venus (Pompeii): a study of the pigments and painting techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science 38(10):2633-2643.Rolandi G, Paone A, Di Lascio M, and Stefani G. 2008. The 79 AD eruption of Somma: The relationship between the date of the eruption and the southeast tephra dispersion. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 169(1–2):87-98.Scarpelli R, Clark RJH, and De Francesco AM. 2014. Archaeometric study of black-coated pottery from Pompeii by different analytical techniques. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Bi omolecular Spectroscopy 120(0):60-66. Senatore MR, Ciarallo A, and Stanley J-D. 2014. Pompeii Damaged by Volcaniclastic Debris Flows Triggered Centuries Prior to the 79 A.D. Vesuvius Eruption. Geoarchaeology 29(1):1-15.Severy-Hoven B. 2012. Master Narratives and the Wall Painting of the House of the Vettii, Pompeii. Gender History 24(3):540-580.Sheldon N. 2014. Dating the 79AD Eruption of Vesuvius: Is 24th August Really the Date? Decoded Past: Accessed 30 July 2016.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Responding to a Bioterrorist Attack from the Department of Health and Essay
Responding to a Bioterrorist Attack from the Department of Health and Human Services - Essay Example (Task Force on Bioterrorism makes plans to educate doctors, public. 2001). As the researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health concluded, another important consideration in managing the public education on such possible bioterrorist attacks should be that public panic is rare and preventable. They also point out that the public is an active participant in responding to such an attack. Civic organizations like churches, charity trusts, and other associations may be effectively used to distribute information and medications, and to educate the public on such potential threat. The biodefence planners and leaders should continually educate the public on preparedness and response plans for bioterrorism. (Hopkins study dispels ‘panic’ myth and suggests ways to involve public in response to a bioterrorist attack. 2001). Thus, the education of the public must be directed towards the real awareness among people trusting their potentials in involving in such efforts. A. Botulinum toxin is one of the most poisonous substances in the world. Ironically, it has also positive uses such as in the treatment of painful muscle spasms and as a cosmetic treatment. No wonder, its use is a reason for confusion to the public. The use of BoTox as a bio-weapon has been a serious reason for worries for many a nation, especially the US. There is a view that discounts its use as a bio-weapon due to the limitations in concentrating and stabilizing the toxin for aerosol dissemination. Contrary to this view, botox can cause disruption and distress among people. (Botulinum toxinas a Biological weapon. 2001). There are many such instances before us. This weapon â€Å"causes botulismâ€â€a potentially fatal disease with symptoms that include severe paralysis of the limbs and respiratory muscles.†(Schwartz, Mark 2006). Terrorists can use botox for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Wall street Journal write-ups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wall street Journal write-ups - Essay Example Mention also of subprime lending as a possible instigator. Outlining further the history of economic crisis and how such circumstances play into crisis like these. How these crisis can have multiple causes and many intricacies. In the process of moving forward to find a solution to this financial crisis, many different options are available for consideration. The need to look at a situation like an economic crisis with logic and rational thinking, rather than emotions. Social Psychologist suggestion that when in doubt, people look to believe whatever they can to get them through. The article makes reference to the issue of regulatory practices which goes with the discussion in Chapter 12 having to do with regulation and its impact. Detailed in the section â€Å"Effect of Regulation on the Actions of Employers†Pages 573-575. The discussion which Claomiris sets forth to have is quite relevant for the times. The issue of how the many different circumstances that can occur could lead to such an economic downturn for many people. It is of the utmost importance to look at the larger picture that comes with the issue of economics and how best to aid an ailing economy. To formulate such solutions without the presence of emotional bias, but rather an educated approach with a rational mind. As is the case with many things, the history of what has happened in the economy before, both at home and abroad, is something that can be quite useful to analyze and consider as Claomiris suggests in his writing. Countless economic crisis have in fact occurred over the years. Each situation being individually different, but also having a central theme that can be tied in with others to find a central path towards a solution. As there are multiple circumstances at the root of the issue, there are just as many people who have played a part. Issues with things such as the real estate market and government
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Ten Commandments Review Essay Example for Free
The Ten Commandments Review Essay Historically, even the ancient civilization flourished under the guidance of an established code of laws called the Code of Hammurabi, During Hammurabi’s rule, back in the time of Abraham of the Bible, he ruled in peace for fifty-five years, and had brilliant achievements, high civilization and extensive literature. But Hammurabi’s Code law was mainly from polytheistic people and purely secular documents erected at a certain place for everyone to see and obey. The Ten Commandments was handed down to Moses direct from the hands of God and it did not only cater to the ethical and moral conduct of the society but it taught them that these moral conduct was based on recognizing that there is God whom they were all accountable to of their conduct towards fellowmen, the society, and to the established institution of humankind. People flourished because of respecting and obeying the Code of Laws which were mainly formulated by same created beings. The Ten Commandments were made by the hands of the Creator Himself. If Moses was alive today, he would surely appear in court with his stuff in his hands and would say â€Å"Thus says the Lord, respect and obey His laws and allow it to be displayed anywhere it could be necessary.†The question about what is threatening about the Ten Commandments should be answered in court too. Today’s generation should not forget that the American nation was founded by people who had deep faith in God; the heritage of American people was rooted in the Christian traditional of the Puritans who maintained their integrity and uprightness in the face of society seemingly loosing its morality during the colonial era. In the article of Warren Richey, clarifying the issue on the case regarding Ten Commandments whether the public display of religious symbol ideas on government property endorses religion may not be appropriated enough to cause alarm on anyone. I would agree with Richey that the issue is actually a â€Å"culture war†between religious conservatives and secular humanists. Richey pointed out that â€Å"conservatives believe the government should be active in promoting morality through promoting religious ideas and themes (Richey on The Christian Monitor). On the other hand, secular humanists are attempting to erase all matters of religion and God from public life. In fact, there was even an attempt recently to remove the maxim inscribed on dollar bills â€Å"In God We Trust.†Taking the issue of separation of powers between church and state, I would agree that at many points, the church should not interfere in the affairs of the state and vice versa. Displaying the Ten Commandments in government and public places is not interfering on government affairs. Anywhere in the world, you will find symbols, themes and ideas displayed in public places in memory of the great things done that merit public display of that particular object. No one questions this display because everyone understood its significance. In this context, everyone should know the heritage of American nation and answer why in the American Constitution and on dollar bills there is an inscription of â€Å"In God We Trust.†Mary Williams stated that Article III of the Constitution declares that â€Å"education and religion shall forever be encouraged.†She further stated that â€Å"the founders saw no conflict in Article one which says, â€Å"No person demeaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner shall ever be molested in account of his mode of worship.†It was quite clear as Williams had emphasized that â€Å"Supreme Court radically departed from the founders’ religious policy by erecting a â€Å"Wall of Separation†between religion and public orders (Williams). The issue now is no longer on the Constitutionality of displaying the Ten Commandments in the public places nor on the issue of the separation of powers of church and state, but on the humanistic atheistic preferences of the Court system. As Williams stated, even school prayers, Bible readings and other clergy, lead invocations are all forbidden in public places. It means that though displays of Ten Commandments on government and public places was not basically not seen by the founders as unconstitutional but it seems its fate lies in the hands of those who hands judgments, whether we favor it or not. We cannot deny therefore that some aspect had gone wrong. The American society is fast losing the values of which the founders laid down as different movements rise up and gone. It shaped a new American values and culture. That is a liberal culture and consumerist society, placing the good on material things rather than on the blessings of the Almighty God. The flame of the values and religious devotions of the founders was no longer shining as the American society is heading towards the path of being an atheistic country as the article entitled ‘Religion is not Essential to America,’ the US Constitution is a secular document; it begins with â€Å"we the people†and contains no mention of God or Christianity which eliminate concept of religion and faith in God. As we had seen in recent developments, though we may be in favor of the display of the Ten Commandments and other religious symbols and beliefs, but the only that we can do is to express ideas and religious beliefs. Work Cited Williams, Mary.†The Ten Commandments Should Be Publicly Displayed.†Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. (22 July 2007) http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/infomark.do?contentSet=GSRCtype=retrievetabID=T010prodId=OVRCdocId=EJ3010110254source=galesrcprod=OVRCuserGroupName=lincclin_fccjversion=1.0. Richey, Warren. â€Å"Dispute over Public Display of the Ten Commandments.†Christian Science Monitor (March 2, 2005, n.p.)  © Copyright 2005, The Christian Science Monitor. All rights reserved. â€Å"Religion is Not Essential to America.†Nontract No. 6. Copyright  © by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, Inc. Reproduced by permission
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Birth of the Congo as a Free State :: African History Essays
The Birth of the Congo as a Free State In the beginning years of his sovereignty, King Leopold the Second of Belgium began to show an interest in the natural resources of Central Africa, especially the wild rubber that was growing within the heart of the jungle. In the year 1876, he called a conference of humanitarians and travelers together who met at Brussels for the sole purpose of debating various plans of how the â€Å"Dark Continent†could be opened up (Doyle). From this conference, the International African Association was formed, which, in spite of its name, was almost entirely a Belgian body, with the Belgian King serving as the President. Its objective was the exploration of the country and the establishment of civilization centers and â€Å"rest-houses†for travelers (Doyle). At the same time, Leopold also pursued the spread of Christianity and freedom to the â€Å"savages†of Africa, so he hired the famous journalist and explorer Henry Morton Stanley to travel the length of the river t o begin signing treaties with the native tribes (Kinshasa). For almost six years from 1879 to 1884, this great explorer labored on behalf of King Leopold, investigating the basin of the Upper Congo River and simultaneously hoping to establish his own imperial society in Central Africa. Upon Stanley’s return from his great journey in 1878, he was met by a representative from the King of Belgium who enrolled him as an actual agent for his Association (Doyle). The immediate task given to Stanley was to open up the Congo for trade at once. Furthermore, he was to make terms with the natives that would enable the stations to be built and the depots established. Thus, in 1879 Stanley finally began his work (Doyle). Stanley labored hard among the Native Chiefs, undisturbed by any of the destructive effects that his own work created, and returned to his employer with at least 450 alleged treaties which transferred land to the Association. There is no record of the exact payment made in order to obtain these treaties, but there is evidence of a similar transaction carried out by a Belgian officer in 1883 at Palabala (Doyle). In that particular case, the payment made to the Chief consisted of "one coat of red cloth with gold facings, one red cap, one white tunic, o ne piece of white baft, one piece of red points, one box of liqueurs, four demijohns of rum, two boxes of gin, 128 bottles of gin, twenty red handkerchiefs, forty singlets and forty old cotton caps.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Customer Service Profile–Marriott Hotels
Motivate employees, train them, care about them, and make winners of them. At Marriott, we know that if we treat our employees correctly, they’ll treat the customers right, and if the customers are treated right, they’ll come back. Bill Marriot Jr. If a customer leaves a hotel or resort satisfied with the property and the service, there is a much better chance that they will return. That is an obvious reality in the industry, and in the forefront of the customer service policy of the Marriott chain of hotels.Customer response for rapid resolution to customer complaints is used by each and every Marriott Hotel and Resort. Customer Surveys are an integral part of the plan. Getting this feedback makes it possible to correct errors and enhance the customers’ overall experience as a guest. Customers are used to getting a questionnaire or a survey â€Å"after the fact†to record and advise the company of a problem and whether or not it was solved to the customer ’s satisfaction.Marriott’s goal is to provide such a survey to the customer during the stay, so that any lingering problem can be immediately resolved. If there is something wrong with the room, it should be addressed during the stay, so that no one leaves dissatisfied. The real time feedback not only resolves complaints, but has been a stream of customer suggestions which would improve the experience. These suggestions are seriously considered and many have been implemented, such as providing a billing summary available to the guests by internet or television prior to check out.Marriott Hotels and Resorts also have a Rewards program that has been frequently judged as the best in the business. Customers get points for each stay, and can apply the points either to frequent flyer miles or future vacations. This program was instituted in 1997, but there has been some form of a frequent guest program at Marriott since 1983. Many other hotels have similar â€Å"loyaltyâ₠¬ programs, and it has come to be an expectation of a lot of guests.There are many ways to earn points and over 3000 properties all over the globe where they can be earned. The points can be redeemed for a variety of things, such as cruises, hotel stays, frequent flyer miles, and even wide screen TV’s. There is even a way to donate accumulated points to charitable organizations. The above two described programs comprise Marriott’s customer service milieu. While the combination of the two prongs is very successful, there is always room for improvement or enhancement.For a great many guests, especially the frequent travelers for business or pleasure, accumulating the points towards an eventual goal is a real selling point and would certainly have the desired effect of return visits. However, for the occasional traveler, saving up enough points to have any benefit is probably not realistic. In these uncertain times, vacations and even business travel might come on to th e â€Å"chopping block†. But, even in the best of times, only a small part of the population travels quite frequently.For all these circumstances, the Reward programs is of no benefit. Again, this is not unusual for businesses to give out coupons, punch cards, or reward points that will never be used. Who doesn’t have frequent flyer miles, $10 off coupons for stores that will never again be visited, or credits towards a cruise or dinner that has expired and not used? The guest could then feel that only other people reap the â€Å"rewards†. One alternative would be to allow a guest to â€Å"opt†out of the Rewards program and instead to offer an immediate â€Å"reward. An example would be for a 2 night stay, the guest could choose from several food items to be delivered to the room, such as a late night dessert. Or, for a 3 night stay, the guest would receive a free spa visit if available on the premises. An alternate â€Å"reward†would be a coupo n for free gasoline, or something commonly available. The idea would be that for some customers who knew that the point system would not be a benefit to them, could still know that Marriott was customer oriented and that if they were to be traveling again, they would remember ot only the personal service, but that they were rewarded for just being a customer. A Review of the Marriott Rewards Program. (2010).Retrieved November 2010, from About. com: Business Travel: http://businesstravel. about. com/od/rewardsprograms/gr/marriott_reward. htm Executive Blueprint. (n. d. ). Retrieved 2010, from Case Study: Increasing Sales by Service: http://www. executiveblueprints. com/_cases/service_marriott. pdf Marriott Reward Program. (n. d. ). Retrieved 2010, from Marriott : http://www. marriott. com/rewards/rewards-program. mi
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Impact of Water Shortage on Humans and the Environment
In Sandra Posted article she explains the Impact Lack of water will have on Humans and the environment. She begins the article by stating that, â€Å"our water problem turns out to be much more worrisome than our energy problem†(Posted 1). She goes on to explain that human activity, the increase in global warming temperatures and humans altering of our natural waterways are the blame for the water problem. She gives examples of natural water disasters and she also explains that as the population grows more demand has caused global water shortages.She also talks about how water is absolutely essential for all life forms. There is no way for us to survive without water. There is absolutely no substitute for water and why we must work hard to conserve it. She explains that we can reverse the water problem. She said that energy and water are connected and that we need one to have another. Posted said there are multiple problems that the world must focus on. She said In the past d ecades we have had floods, storms, droughts, dam's breaks and famines.She points out that most Americans think these disasters only happen in faraway countries, but in fact in the last couple of years Americans have experienced floods and natural disasters. She also commented that the water challenges confronting us locally, regionally, and globally are unprecedented. She finishes up the article by explaining that if we allow dams to be taken down and natural water purifying systems to be put back Into place could help water scarcity will be self-fixing. I found Sandra Pastel's article extremely critical.She talks about the importance of shrinking our personal water footprints and that the amount of water used to produce all the things we buy Is staggering. She also explains that â€Å"the average U. S. Resident uses, directly and indirectly, about 2,480 pubic meters of water per year- about 1 ,800 gallons per day-twice the global average†(Posted 8). That statement bought ba ck memories of the water shortage some years ago. We were asked to not flush toilets, take less baths and not water our lawns.I never heard any government official or community leaders talking about building a long-term contingency plans. What I did hear was a lot talk about why we were experiencing the water shortages. The main reason given was low rain fall amounts and this was said to cause our flow into the river to be below normal. Pastel's article has made a believer out of me. I am ready to commit to doing whatever it takes to conserve water. The united States and other countries need to band together in these conservation efforts. I believe that if we educate people on water conservation.The more they will be willing to help. In my opinion. The best way right now to help with water conversation is to raise public awareness and enforce laws. A strong point in this article was the message: â€Å"Energy and water toy 2 13). I agree with Posted views on fossil fuels which can l ead to even more water being conserved. I really think that we can partner with other countries to make a lasting impact. Farmers can also make a huge impact on conserving water by using efficient irrigation equipment and weather APS.Using these APS along with irrigation systems can help save water. Farmers can also use proper soil management, water recycling and organic farming methods. Using organic farming methods will reduce the amount of water used. Sandra Pastel's article has made me more aware of our water crisis. What is the solution? In the future, residential communities will have to take into account possible water shortages. One way to do that would be to build homes that are more water efficient akin to energy efficiency. This would include low flow bathrooms and efficient lawn watering systems.In the meantime there is so much an individual can do to make a world of difference with small adjustments such as detecting leaks, visiting your local water conservation office, turn off the water while you are lathering your hands, turning off water when brushing your teeth, and upgrading older toilets. I plan to spread the word and be a water advocate with my neighbors, friends and coworkers. I will also attend local water district meetings. We have a long way to go, but a deeper appreciation of the nature of the water problem is needed.Often, the public tends to confuse the term global change with global warming and do not associate the global change with the problem of water scarcity. Global shortage of water, now is the real inconvenient truth. We must take heed and react quickly before it is too late. I believe that we can meet these challenges if we work together. Our Joint efforts will go a long way towards alleviating this growing problem. Then we must we elect politicians who takes the survival of our planet a priority, we might be able to slow down global warming and conserve water before it is to late.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
9 Types of Students You Can Meet in a Classroom
9 Types of Students You Can Meet in a Classroom You can often see some typical characters of students on TV shows and movies. You might have noticed that in real life types of students in high school and college are different from those featured on TV. Weve classified nine student types which you can meet in a typical classroom. 1. A Sleeper This guy or girl definitely has a superpower to fall asleep at a desk not minding the noise. You might feel a little jealous that your classmate is having an extra nap while you have to take notes and listen to the teacher. Its curious that sleepers often stay unnoticed. But you should know that there will be nothing to be jealous about when a teacher suddenly comes up to a sleeper to wake him or her up. This is one of the most common types of students you meet in college. The reason for that is simple - many students have part-time jobs which are not easy to handle. A bonus: Find out more about easy part-time jobs that won’t make you sleepy in a classroom from our article. 2. An â€Å"I-Know-It-All†You definitely have a classmate, who raises his or her hand anytime a question is asked. This guy or girl is always ready to take another test or stay for an extra class. Next time this happens, dont roll your eyes too far (we know you do it every time) for not harming yourself. Eventually, there must be someone who draws a teachers attention away from a sleeper. 3. An Outsider This person typically sits somewhere at the end of the classroom and can be spotted daydreaming or doodling in a notebook. An outsider usually has no friends or has only one friend, but it seems that an outsider is okay with it. If you think that this type of people is too gloomy, then you should know that its because they are very self-conscious. But you can crack that shell to reveal an excellent friend. 4. A Golden Star We are not talking about Patrick the Star, but the one, who is beloved by every teacher in your school. You cant even tell why, but this guy or girl is always praised. Such people always look too relaxed, so sometimes you think that all their homework is done by elves. Dont judge them too much, as you might not know how a person actually feels. 5. A Gadget Addict Sometimes you think that the hand of this person is glued to a cell phone and will never be detached from it. You can see a gadget addict constantly scrolling through Instagram feed or watching YouTube videos while everyone else is listening to a teacher. Well, maybe he or she is a future social media marketer, who knows. 6. A Clown A clown always has a joke to make your day. Usually, this person can be spotted goofing around and not paying attention to anything that your teacher is saying. When it comes to an awkward pause in a conversation among your classmates, a clown always has something to say that breaks the silence. You might not be surprised seeing this classmate in a meme or vine compilation video. Perhaps, you can even find him or her in our list of the best college memes. 7. An Energizer An energizer seems to have a time-turner in a pocket. This person somehow manages to be in sports, school events, singing in a chore, making posters for the next charity march and helping every club in the school. These students just have too much energy to sit on their hands. And while you are trying to stop procrastinating and start doing your homework, think about an energizer who is probably crafting another model for a chemistry club. 8. A Space King (or Queen) If you are constantly asked for a pencil to borrow, about what the home task was or even what the day of the week is, then its a space king (queen) whos talking to you. You wonder how soon this guy or girl will be expelled, but somehow this never happens. You are probably mad because a space king (queen) always comes unprepared but still carry an extra pencil for this guy. 9. A Party Maker The one who attends parties so often that you wonder if this person ever sleeps. A party maker is known by the majority of students, and almost everyone can tell you a funny story about the time they attended a party together. Its not that surprising that party makers are not the best students, but they usually get help from their classmates in exchange for an invitation to a party. Take the Quiz If you dont know which type of student you are, you can take a short quiz on the types of students classification to understand more about whether you are a diligent or a careless student. Did you recognize these personalities in your classroom? Do you think that we have covered all kinds of students behavior? Let us know!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Italian Past Perfect Tense - Trapassato Prossimo
Italian Past Perfect Tense - Trapassato Prossimo In English, the past perfect tense (trapassato prossimo) is formed with the auxiliary had plus the past participle of the main verb. In Italian, the trapassato prossimo, a compound tense, is formed with the imperfetto of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle of the acting verb. The students were tired because they had studied until late. He didnt go to the theater because he had already seen the film. The past perfect tense (trapassato prossimo) is used when two actions happened at different times in the past. Here are a few examples of the trapassato prossimo: Gi erano partiti quando sono arrivato. (They had already left when I arrived.)Avevo chiuso le finestre quando à ¨ cominciato a piovere. (I had shut the windows when it started to rain.)La macchina sbandava perchà © aveva piovuto. (The car was sliding because it had rained.) Using Auxiliary Verb Avere The appropriate tense of avere or essere (called the auxiliary or helping verbs) and the past participle of the target verb forms the verb phrase. Avere is used in a myriad of grammatical and linguistic situations. Learning the many conjugations and uses of the verb is crucial to the study of the Italian language. In general, transitive verbs are conjugated with avere. Transitive verbs express an action that carries over from the subject to the direct object: The teacher explains the lesson. The past participle is invariable when the passato prossimo is constructed with avere. Today Anna isnt working because she worked yesterday. Oggi Anna non lavora perchà ¨ ha lavorato ieri. The others worked yesterday too. Anche gli altri hanno lavorato ieri. When the past participle of a verb conjugated with avere is preceded by the third person direct object pronouns lo, la, le, or li, the past participle agrees with the preceding direct object pronoun in gender and number. Avere is an irregular verb (un verbo irregolare); it does not follow a predictable pattern of conjugation. Using Auxiliary Verb Essere When using essere, the past participle always agrees in gender and number with the subject of the verb. It can therefore have four endings: -o, -a, -i, -e. In many cases, intransitive verbs (those that cannot take a direct object), especially those expressing motion, are conjugated with the auxiliary verb essere. The verb essere is also conjugated with itself as the auxiliary verb. Some of the most common verbs that form compound tenses with essere include: andare- to goarrivare- to arrivecadere- to fall, to dropcostare- to costcrescere- to growdiventare- to becomedurare- to last, to continueentrare- to entermorire- to dienascere- to be bornpartire- to leave, to departrestare- to stay, to remaintornare- to returnuscire- to exitvenire- to come Conjugating Italian Verbs in the Past Perfect With Avere and Essere PARLARE CREDERE ANDARE USCIRE io avevo parlato avevo creduto ero andato(-a) ero uscito(-a) tu avevi parlato avevi creduto eri andato(-a) eri uscito(-a) lui, lei, Lei aveva parlato aveva creduto era andato(-a) era uscito(-a) noi avevamo parlato avevamo creduto eravamo andati(-e) eravamo usciti(-e) voi avevate parlato avevate creduto eravate andati(-e) eravate usciti(-e) loro, Loro avevano parlato avevano creduto erano andati(-e) erano usciti(-e)
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